10 ans après, E.S. est de retour, toujours en ce constant scrutateur (scruté), témoin impassible d'une succession de saynètes burlesques au pince-sans-rire, un style immuable où résonne une certaine symétrie ou synchronicité aux messages parfois simples évidents mais lourds pour finalement nous confirmer que les jolis plans bien cadrés ne suffiront pas à construire un bon film.
3.5 Somebody please restore this. It's a poetry film that combines real life documentary of filmmaker's hometown after the independence, with scene reconstructions of: women's recollection of the war and their roles (feeding the guerillas etc), folktales, imagery metaphor or pure stream of consciousness sequences. It's the first Lebanese film directed by a woman and it's already a daring experimental work showcasing the magic of cinema in not only preserving, but recreating memories.